• Our Introductory course is a great place to start. This is a 2 day course where you will find out more about counselling, the training and get to learn and practice some new skills.

    After that, if you decide to progress with accredited counselling training with SeEd NI, we will deduct the cost of the Introductory course from your future course fees.

    Cost - £150 / £125 early bird discount

    Duration - Ran over 2 full days in Co. Down

  • To work as a counsellor you need to complete a Level 2 and Level 3 certificate course (these can be completed at the same time). After that you will have to complete a Level 4 Diploma (which takes 2 years)

    You would start with our Level 2 Certificate in Counselling. You can also do the Level 3 Certificate in Counselling at the same time. Both these courses are usually run on separate weekday evenings from 6pm to 9pm. The cost of each is £750 - but there are discounts if you book and pay for both at the same time.

    Duration - 25 weeks

    Cost - £750 / £700

  • For some people, starting at Level 3 (and gaining exemption from Level 2) is a possibilty. But this depends on the nature of your previous training and your expereince.

    Level 2 covers the foundations of counselling skills such as reflecting, summarising, paraphrasing, humanistic theory including skills such as congruence, UPR, conditions of worth, psychodynamic such a s repression, denial, projection, CBT including case formulations and challenging irrational beliefs, safeguarding, suicidal risk and the Ethical Framework.

    It's important to know that Level 3 must be completed to progress onto Level 4 (and to become a qualified counsellor) and that Level 3 builds on the content of Level 2.

    So its really important that your previous learning covers these foundations before considering exemption from Level 2.

  • You need to complete a Level 2 (75 guided learning hours GLH), a Level 3 (75 GLH) and after that a Level 4 Diploma over no less than 2yrs part time , total of 390 GLH over the 2 years.

    The Level 4 diploma must include a clinical placement of 100hrs of supervised practice with a counselling agency.

    After completion of our L4 course you will be eleigible for membership of NCPS / BACP as a qualified counsellor.

    You will be eligible for accreditated membership with your governing body, once you have post qualifying client experience, and meet other requirements of that body.

    However, you do not need to be an accredited member to practice as a counsellor and seek paid work.

  • Becoming a counsellor is a journey of self discovery and learning. The personal process and journey you will go on, is what will make you an epic and safe counsellor. So its not a race.

    However, if you completed L2 and L3 at the same time, you could complete them in 6 months. After that, L4 is the next step and will take a full 2 years part time.

  • Our course includes a guaranteed placement (subject to successful completion of the 1st year of the Level 4 course) - placements are very hard to find!

    You will be given a placement with uHub Therapy Centre - an agency with an exceptional reputation for its clinical work, and its ability to nurture, train and support some of the best counsellors in NI from the beginning of their journey as a trainee.

    We also cover the cost of your required external supervision with one of our exceptional bank of supervisors, monthly group supervision, CPD, creative therapy workshops, Access NI costs and a dedicated clinical coordinator in your placement agency to support you on your journey.